About this blog

This blog was created to make it easier for my friends to keep up with my book-writing process. The book is called "Journey to the Heart of God". It is about the importance of pursuing God's righteousness in order to live as He intended so that we can live a full and abundant life: the eternal life Christ came to give us. Happy reading! :D

Oh Computer Woes

Yes, here's me whining about my computer again. Ok it's being really weird right now. Like, my laptop screen has been staying striped steadily for the past week. But several times lately it will suddenly come back almost completely normal, though still a little fuzzy but as I type this, it's ALMOST normal. I feel like I'm recovering from a bad head cold or something. You know how if your nose or ear is plugged up for a while and it's just bothering you, then it suddenly clears up and you can hear/breathe normally again it's just like AAHHHH so nice?  Yup, same feeling here. Technology is so goofed ^_^  Hmmm.... time to consult my geek panel again! ^_^
There, that wasn't so whiney now, was it? :D  But I still need to get my own computer.... life would be so much easier B-)

Oh, and my latest drafting has been going pretty slowly lately thanks not only to my computer, but ummm pretty much everything else in life. I mean, I get so ADD when the sun is shining and the temps are warm, besides the fact I have several different non-writing projects going on and keep getting stuck in the kitchen or whatnot. Well, and today my brain is just totally not working... so I guess this means I'd better take a vacation ^_^


Karen said...

I know what you mean about the computers!! My friends and I call it the "internet imp." Hey, when life gets crazy, it's okay to vacation. Enjoy your weather and spring--after all it's only one time a year. :P

L. E. Neighbour said...

Thanks! :D

Warren Baldwin said...

Computers, computers. Yes, having the same problems here. Mine are partly b/c of lack of knowing how to back up, move around - have some teenagers teaching me. Other problems b/c the computers are too old for the printer and other programs I need. Oh well. All we can do is keep on writing! Fun post.

L. E. Neighbour said...

heh yeah Warren, it seems like you can't live without technology, but at the same time technology is killing us all ^_^ And it's so hard to keep up with, too! But when you can manage to get technology to behave, it does make life so much easier :)

Anonymous said...

I've had the same computer for over 10 years. During that time I've only had to do some minor repairs. I'm still running windows XP and have had little or no problems with it. My wife wants to buy a new laptop and we usually do what she wants. I told her she can have the new one and I'll keep my old desktop antique.

L. E. Neighbour said...

Ah that's awesome when they last for a long time. Ours don't. They get lots of wear and tear I guess LOL and dad gets discontented with his after a few years ^_^

Edie said...

I can relate to that. The sunshine really gets me motivated, but sometimes my mind goes in too many directions at once and it just crashes! LOL!

Have a great day!

L. E. Neighbour said...

Exactly Edie. I get to thinking about all the outdoor work (*ahem* and fun ;) ) to be done on top of all my indoor work and my brain short-circuits :P